Hillsong's "Oceans (Where Feet May Fall)" has this line. "Spirit lead we where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters."
It has almost a haunting lilt to the tune and melody. I envision a walk on the beach, with waves slapping the shore as a morning mist envelops. Then, as the song builds, you can almost touch the peace that comes in learning to trust bigger, better and deeper.

Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now
So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me"
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me"
Big words. Big trust. But, when he calls or directs, we have to make a choice. Do we follow his lead with trust or fight his clear direction with fear? He is bigger than our fears, but fight or flight is a natural response that was designed in us for safety and protection.
There is a sovereign God waiting to reveal a place of trust that goes beyond the safety of the shore. He calls us to deeper waters as a part of his love story and to build our trust in His hand. Jesus... our great example and God with us. The Holy Spirit our comforter and guide until Chris returns. He has us covered.
We are not promised smooth waters, We are promised he will never leave us or forsake us.
I am grateful for the many examples of trust without borders.
It brings images of Noah sealing up the ark as the rain begins.
Joseph interpreting the dreams of the Pharoah.
Moses lifts his staff and the Red Sea parts.
Gideon learns to trust God in the dew or dryness of a lambs fleece.
David takes on Goliath.
Nehemiah makes a major job change.Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walk into a fiery furnace.
Joshua marches around Jericho and the walls fall down.
Jonah takes a trust detour in the belly of a large fish.
Esther's to take on a crown and display courage before an unpredictable king.
Ruth's fearless devotion to her depressed mother-in-law in the midst of her own grief.
Rehab risking life and limb to hide Israel's spies.
Mary saying - 'Let it be unto me as you have said."
Joseph saying yes to the gossip, rumors and haughty looks of the townspeople.
John the Baptist saying yes to the call on his life.
Peter walking on the water to Jesus.
Matthew trusting he could be loved and accepted... a tax collector.
Peter walking on the water to Jesus.
Matthew trusting he could be loved and accepted... a tax collector.
Peter, James and John... walking away from lucrative careers to chase Jesus.
Jesus doing temptation battles with Satan in the desert.
Jesus in the garden... accepting "Thy will be done."
Paul - finding soul freedom in a prison cell.
Peter - seeing the gates of the prison opened.
There are so many more. Trust without borders and big things happen. Our God continues to write new chapters in this amazing, crazy love story.
I think I am more "Chicken Little" worried the sky may fall... than Ruth or Esther. But knowledge of that limitation is where he can begin to grow us. From fearful safety to fearless seeking the heart of Jesus. Every day is a new opportunity to do better.
Today, I am grateful for examples of trust without borders.
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