Friday, April 20, 2018

Peace Seekers & Peace Keepers

Daily Gratitude Year 6- Day 110: Today. I am grateful for the peace seekers and peace keepers.

"Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war." -MLK, Jr.

This is one of the many great quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that we have to help us remember his work, his mission and his heart for peaceful change.

What if the media spent as much time stirring our emotional souls to compassionate acts, selfless helping and elevating those who are doing the right thing... as much as it gives time to what is ugly in the world a platform? Then, we might see the change our hearts long to see.

For every act of hate, there are a thousand acts of kindness. 

Every week children are packing "snack packs" for other children might not have food over the weekend because their friends are caught in homes where poverty and sometimes addiction make life hard and leave their bellies empty. 

Every week there are people who help elderly neighbors and visit shut ins. Some will over cook so they have leftovers to share.

Every week, there are cancer survivors like my sweet friend Marcia who uses her survivorship to take others fighting the battle to treatments. She is a ride, a hug, a beautiful smile and heart full of hope, simply because she is lit from within with Christ's love. 

Every Christmas, children pack shoeboxes to send to children who have almost nothing. What do the send? Here are gift box suggestions: "Select a medium to large “wow” item such as a soccer ball with pump or stuffed animal, then fill with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies." 
Yes,  school supplies and hygiene items with a toy for a little joy... will be the best gift ever. Children delight in giving, but they have to be taught.

Every day, there are social workers, health care providers, teachers, foster parents, adoption agencies and social justice organizations that are working with the faith community to serve "the least of these." 

Jesus said... and this is paraphrased:  "Love the Lord, your God with all your might. Love your neighbors.. all of them... at your kitchen table, next door, across town and around the world. Especially, the children, widows and orphans." 

Love God. Love each other. 

Perhaps, peace is a by-product, not an end goal. Don't just "choose peace". Be peace. Be "Commissioners of Peace" who carry the Good News as we seek his face and his way. Serve and protect... and love people so "they might know you are my disciples." 

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” -John 13:35

His love and his peace bring healing and hope to a broken world. What if we turned off the media the minute it turned negative? 

Today. I am grateful for the peace seekers and peace keepers. 

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