Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Do Your Best

Year 8-Day 77: Today, I am grateful we can do our best.

"Some days are better. Some days are worse. Look for the blessing instead of the curse. Be positive, stay strong and get some rest. You can't do it all, but you can do your best." 

What a lovely thought. It is a reminder that doing our best is enough... and rest helps. 

There will always be hard seasons, but they are temporary. We have to learn to be resilient and flexible. My friend, Krys, says we have to bend "like Gumby". If you are under 50, you might have to look up "Gumby and Pokey". Being flexible helps us weather the storms. 

How can we bend to helps someone else? How can we stretch and save ourselves time and energy when we don't have any to spare? We have to get some rest to do our best. 

I am reminded of Jesus who longed for some quiet time. He would slip into the wilderness places to pray and spend time with the Father. He actively pursued rest and restoration. He created space when he needed it. 

"But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer." -Luke 5:16

He set an example we can follow. I am reminded, too, of the 23rd Psalm that most of us know.The familiar passage can evoke feelings of calm. 

"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name." -Proverbs 23:1-3 

"He lets me rest." Perfect peace even when things seem unsure. Remember, this too shall pass. Trials are temporary. His love is forever. We can press on. 

Today, I am grateful we can do our best.

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