Sunday, March 8, 2020

To Be Loved At My Worst

Year 8-Day 67: Today, I am grateful to be loved at  my worst. 

We will mark thirty-three years of marriage before the year is done. We have been three and a half decades as a couple. It would be impossible to calculate the many ways we have grown and changed meeting each new season in our lives. I like to think we have grown together. I know we can read each other's thoughts and sometimes speak in unison. 

God really does give us marriage to teach us about his love and faithfulness. I think about times the Love of My Life has chosen patience when I don't really deserve it. He gives me grace when I am struggling in one way or another. I've seen him master so many things, including laundry in recent years (Yes, My Love, I am admitting it in public!) . 

When couples come through the challenging seasons, they are stronger for the struggle. It isn't always sunshine and roses, but it is always worth it. The sweetest loves are those aged by time, trials, trust, triumphs and even a sprinkle of tears. When I see an mature couple holding hands that are wrinkled by time, it melts my heart. It is evidence of storms weathered and choices to love made boldly... even when it wasn't easy, fair or perfect. 

To be loved in, through and in spite of our imperfections is the sweetest of gift. A.W. Tozer quotes have been a favorite this week. Here is another one:

"We please Him most, not by frantically trying to make ourselves good, but by throwing ourselves into His arms with all our imperfections and believing that He understands  everything-- and still loves us. -A.W. Tozer

To be fully known and still loved, that is soul completing. To be known inside out is humbling and heart-filling. 

This scripture is the likely source of Tozer's words: 

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

He didn't wait until we were "good enough", because we never will be. We can't keep the train on track that long in our own strength. We need His strength. We change through His grace, not on our own. We know His love, and claim His forgiveness by simply kneeling at the cross. He takes our brokenness and makes it beautiful again. His love restores us like a tropical paradise heals after the hurricane with love, time and attention. 

The truth is, sometimes we create our own storms. Different choices might have helped us avoid them. 

Other times, like faithful Job, hurricanes and tornadoes hit. In them, we learn to trust His heart, even when it is difficult to see a purpose in the pain. At our worst, we don't always behave in a way that honors His sacrifice and commitment to us. He loves us, anyway. 

Today, I am grateful to be loved at  my worst. 

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