Saturday, March 28, 2020

Unrequited Love

Year 8-Day 88:Today, I am grateful for unrequited love. 

Let's face it. It is much easier to love people who love us back. It is harder with the ones who wear us out physically, mentally and spiritually. Some people refuel us... others exhaust us. 

This quote was perfect today. We are in the Lenten season making our way to Easter. 

"Jesus felt the sting of unrequited love deeper than anyone, yet He still chose to love His people to death." - found at Esthers Row 

Wow, right? Talk about unrequited love. He poured out his love on everyone. He healed the sick, made the blind see, the lepers became clean, the unloved found friendship, forgiveness and hope. Oh, what a Savior! 

As people are living in close quarters, love may seem like more of a choice. Love is a choice and loving someone without worrying about the payoff is true love. It is a love that is deep and wide. 

We can choose to love... every day. Just like Jesus did, even when we least deserved. Frankly, we never deserved it. We have been making poor choices since the beginning.  

I am grateful for the one who mediates for us and reconciles so that we can be called the Children of God. It is a pretty sweet deal for us, but it came at a price. We didn't have to pay the price, but the cost was real. 

For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.-1 Timothy 2:5-6

Today, we can learn to love deeper and wider, because he love us to death. 

Today, I am grateful for unrequited love.

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