Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Fragrance of the Crushed


Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 283: Today, I am grateful for the beautiful fragrance of the crushed. 

There are flowers and herbs that when crushed release a beautiful fragrance from their oils. It strikes me as something worth pondering. 

The crushing is part where the change begins. It is where the oil pours out. It is where it changes into something beautifully fragrant.

What was once beautiful to behold on the vine or the stem becomes truly special when its life appears to be over. It is not over. It is transforming. 

"Do the hard things, trusting God when it hurts, humbling yourself... it is the perfume you pour on Jesus' feet." -Unknown

The times we are "broken and poured out," we might be in the process of becoming something new. What seems hard... and is hard... in the moment, is part of the transformation. When we put our trust in Jesus in those painful moments, it is like pouring perfume on his feet. 

"And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." -Ephesians 5:2

Beautifully broken. 

Today, I am grateful for the beautiful fragrance of the crushed. 

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