Sunday, October 6, 2024


Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 280: Today, I am grateful for more.

We spent time in the brief letter of Jude today. It is the last little book before Revelation. It is short.  It is packed full. It is from Jude (Judas) the brother of Jesus which makes it even more interesting. 

Jude offers clarity and warnings. I might have to spend the week re-reading it. One of the first things to jump out at me this morning in The Word was the word "more." 

Our society is addicted to "more." It is in the magazines and tabloids all of the time. Wealth never satisfies. It only seeds the desire for "more." Solomon in his wisdom begins by pointing out in Ecclesiastes 1 that all of this "stuff" we accumulate is meaningless. It is relationships that give life meaning. Not stuff. 

As we witness the desperation of those suffering from Hurricane Helene, we are equally reminded that the simple necessities that sustain life are just that... necessities. Water, food, and relationships are necessary for life. All three. They are simple but they are what really matter. They make a life. They sustain life. 

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, fulfilling the prophecy. Bethlehem means "House of Bread" and Jesus is called the "Bread of Life" (John 6:35,51). He is the "Living Water," too (John 7:37-38). 

Jude's letter is clear in his directions to those who seek to follow Jesus. 

"May God give you more and more mercy, peace, and love." Jude 1:2

More and more... ever building the warehouse up. 

"More mercy." Toward each other as Christ demonstrated even when paying the price for our sins. 

"More peace." Peace is better than war. Make peace whenever possible. 

"More love." Love is a noun and a verb. Walk in love. Be examples of mercy and peace in fulfillment of the instruction to love our neighbors as ourselves... all of them. 

Today, I am grateful for more.

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