Thursday, November 16, 2017

Countless Miracles & Wonders

Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 319: Today, I am grateful for  countless miracles and wonders. 

Joy to the Word has been a favorite of Earworm this week. "Let Heav'n and nature sing is his favorite part."

Every time I look at the stars... we have had a couple of brilliantly sparkling nights recently... I am in awe.The field grasses and flowers have gone to seed and to sleep, awaiting the springtime call to new life. Nature reflects and sings the glory of the Lord.

He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles. - Job 5:9

This is another morsel of truth from the Old Testament Book of Job. Job's faith and intimacy with God made him a target for Satan. Still, Job held on to a truth that was bigger, deeper and unfailing...  God is on the throne. 

There are things God allows... but doesn't send. There is a bigger picture. Job's "short story" was not so short. Surely, he wrestled with the same kinds of questions we do today. Still, time proved that God is faithful. Satan had his day... but in the end, God had his say. 

So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. -Job 42:12

Job's was a grateful man. He recognized the hand that provided all of the blessings in his life. Then, he endured having them all wiped away. 

Job wondered why. Job felt woeful when things went wrong. The guy had legitimate woes, but he prayed and stayed faithful through them. 

Job was a wealthy landowner with many animals and a beautiful family in the beginning. In the end... he had even more. He was familiar with nature's cycles and understood who kept it all in balance. Perhaps, that helped him press on when the worst of times arrived. He trusted in the wonders of God. He had witnessed His miracles. Even when it didn't feel as if God noticed his faithfulness and seemed to ignore his suffering. 

When troubles rocked Job's world, he cried out to God in hurt and brokenness. He trusted beyond the "no" answers... and the "not yet" seasons of waiting. Some of his miracles and blessings were still waiting to unfold. When they did... his devotion and awe at the wonders of the God he served grew and rippled into countless generations.  

Today, I am grateful for the countless miracles and wonders of a living God. 

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