Thursday, November 9, 2017

Leaves Dancing

Daily Gratitude Year 5-Day 311: Today, I am grateful leaves dancing.

One of the great shows that fall provides... after the colors... is the leaves dancing. How many times in I in such a hurry, I miss the performance?

Fall is full of wonder. The leaves in full color glory is one of the most beautiful seasons in the Midwest. I hate to see them fall, but then again... the way they descend is part of the show. 

Some days, they fall gently on the whisper of a breeze. On other days, the winds whip them around in a dance with a full symphony of sounds. Occasionally, leaves that have fallen and are completely at rest receive one last  breath that stirs them to one final pirouette. 

Fall days are the days I want to sit at my window and watch natures wonders. The knowledge of winter's sleep on the way, cause me to want to pause and hold on to these days. But. there is a time for everything.

A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.-Ecclesiastes 3:4 

In November, we begin to mourn the warmer days gone gone by. We remember loved ones gone from the Thanksgiving table. We grieve the things we failed to accomplish over the year... or simply failed. And...we celebrate with family and friends this gift... this dance called life. 

We celebrate the gift of one more year to seek His face and sing His praises. Let the leaves be a reminder to dance. 

Today, I am grateful leaves dancing.

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