Daily Gratitude Year 7- Day 356: Today, I am grateful for Christmas is a together kind of holiday.

(Note: our story is our story. There is no "right" and "wrong". As parents, we choose for our own children. We chose to have our children home for Christmas.)
We started a tradition on the road one Christmas Eve in the middle of near blizzard conditions. Blowing snow and wind whipped our little car around. We decided to never travel on Christmas Eve again for the safety of our children and our own sanity.
I remember the night well. We had made it to my Mama's side of the family for Christmas Eve with her siblings. It is how we spent every Christmas Eve as a child. It was wonderful... until it was stressful.
I always loved Christmas Eve with the Bess clan. I have wonderful memories of my Uncle Bob and Uncle Lee getting excited about Santa reports.There may have been calls from the North Pool, too. Santa's sleigh was always being spotted somewhere around the world. The anticipation was high and the excitement tangible. Precious and sweet memories were made on those nights. I treasure them to this day.
Then, we were parents. For the first time, we were completely responsible for another human life form. Scary, right? When we finally made it home, we decided that we would do Christmas differently in the future. We decided to choose a weekend and declare that "Christmas" with our family back home. Most knew the weekend. Many of the extended family would stop by or we would visit them. It worked for us.
We developed some of our own Christmas Eve traditions... including taking in extras. Typically, I cook Christmas Eve. It doesn't matter how many are around the table. There is always room in the inn, in honor of our precious Savior who arrived in such a humble way.
"Christmas is a togethery sort of holiday.", said Pooh. "That's my favorite kind." said Piglet.
Together is the best place to be. We are in the season of our adult children figuring out how to make their traditions with their ladies. We try to share well, act graciously and not cause them stress.
I recently sat with my friend, Jacquey, whose honey is a firefighter, now retired. She told how they scheduled Santa to come on special nights and how firefighter brothers would cover a couple hours of shift for those with young children. Bill returned the favor when his children were older. Together is the best place to be... it isn't about the date.
20 years at St. Jude really brought home the idea that celebrating Christmas happens in the heart. It isn't about the date. Trees can stay up until July, if necessary, until all hearts can be home for Christmas. Military families know this, too.
The love we feel when we sit with loved ones around the Christmas table is a sweet reminder that God loved us so much he couldn't bear for sin to separate us from him and heaven. He loved us enough to take on human form to redeem us from our sins. His Holiness repels sin like a magnet. He can't tolerate it. To save us, he chose to take on our skin, to know our struggles and to experience our trials. Then he patiently waited until the time was right to be the sacrifice to pardon us from our sins.
Crazy love? Yes.
"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." -John 15:13
As a lamb... Heaven's Special forces... the Lord of Heaven's Armies... gave up heaven for us, so we might know Him , choose Him, grow in Him... until we are called home. Imagine that first Christmas in heaven? Some we love already know the joy living in His presence.
Imagine what it was like for the common shepherds who heard the angel's declaration:
"And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger." -Luke 2:16
They hurried to join the celebration!
Savor the together time, as you hold your loved ones close, on whatever day that happens. Because Jesus came, every day is a reason to celebrate. Every day. On the days we are together... and until we are together again.
Today, I am grateful for Christmas is a together kind of holiday.