Monday, December 23, 2019

Unseasonably Warm

Daily Gratitude Year 7- Day 357: Today, I am grateful for "unseasonably warm" temperatures.

This fall, we froze on Halloween. We actually had snow on the ground. Here we are... just before Christmas... and it is unseasonably warm. I am not complaining. We have had some genuine cold already this season and I am in no hurry for it to return. It can stay "unseasonably warm" all winter and I won't be sad. 

We relish days that provide unexpected warmth. We lament the ones where we can't find a warm spot anywhere. 

What was it like the night Jesus was born? We don't know for sure. The shepherds were out in the fields with their flocks, so I imagine it wasn't too cold. Could it have been "unseasonably warm?"

Today, I am grateful for "unseasonably warm" temperatures.

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