Saturday, April 18, 2020

Mistakes We've Owned

Year 8-Day 109: Today, I am grateful for we can own our mistakes so they no longer own us! 

We all make mistakes. The curse of trying to do things 100% right all the time is perfectionism. It keeps us stressed and it keeps us from experiencing the freedom in owning a mistake. Yes, freedom. 

We grow and learn so much more through failure than success. We become more mature as we try to reconcile disappointments and unrealized dreams with the reality that life is rough sometimes. Bad things happen. They are often unfair, because there is sin, evil and selfish ambitions in this world.

Yet, we are called to love. Love big. Love loud. Love when you're tired. Love when you been quarantined together for more than a month. 

Love when when others make mistakes. Show yourself some grace when human imperfections make the person in the mirror a disappointment. 

Failure isn't final. Our Savior set us free and elevated us to joint-heir status. He died for all of us... but he would have completed the mission for even and only one. The heaven's rejoice at one soul set free. 

Don't carry your mistakes around like they are a final determination on who you are. That is unacceptable to our Heavenly Father who made each one of us unique and special.

"When you own a mistake, it no longer owns you." -Lisa Bevere

Let go of the fear and let Love reign. Love is waiting. God is love. 

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.-1 John 4:18

Today, I am grateful for we can own our mistakes so they no longer own us! 

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