Daily Gratitude Year Four-Day 307: Today, I am grateful for the sound of a loved ones voice.
I have favorite voices. James Earl Jones is one of them. He is not a "loved one" but I love his voice. I have always adored the voice of BJ Thomas.
Families can share likeness in voice. My Dad and Uncle Mel have similar voices. Chase and Randy sound identical, too.(This has led to a few embarrassing moments) My Sister-In-Love Lola sounds like Mom Smith. And, I've been told that April and I sounded much alike.
Perhaps, until a loved one is gone, we take it for granted the sound of their voice.
In this day of texting... phone calls are more rare. We connect with a few words or sentences. Or, something like "Skype" takes us face to face. Thank you technology for that gift.. The sound of a loved ones voice is always the preference. Seeing facial expressions to add to the emotions.
The sound of a loved one's voice is precious. It is a pick me up on a bad day. Comfort in a storm. Increased laughter in a joyful moment. Hope when you want to give up. Encouragement when there is doubt. There is nothing like it!
I love the story of Peter and the boys out in a boat in a storm... on the rough waters. Scared and feeling alone, although they were many seasoned fisherman. Perhaps, that increased their fear. Knowledge of the beastly waves and what they could do to one tiny boat. Even the experienced feel out of their depths at times.
Jesus had paused and taken some time to pray and restore himself, after the news his cousin,John the Baptist, was executed for his message. John died because of him before he died for John. John's voice must have been on his mind. Their childhood days of play. Trips to the temple with family. So many memories... recent and past. Life long friendships are rich. I imagine John had a bass or baritone voice. No one knows for sure. But, Jesus knew his voice and vice versa. Oh the sorrow of the moment... even in the pure knowledge of the reunion in heaven.
Finally, Jesus was ready to reunite with them in the boat. He took obvious route... walking on the water. Okay... not so obvious, but it did make an impact on all of them.
Faith was increased. Evidence of Christ's power displayed (they knew of Jonah) but to see and experience the power of the Son of God over a storm was breathtaking.
"But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” - Matthew 14:27-29
Jesus calling out. The call demands a choice. The voice of reason speaks clearly:
"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” -Hebrews 3:13-15
Jesus says: Take heart. Don't be afraid. Come to me. Don't close your ears and harden your hearts. Open them. See his goodness. Hear of the faithful, goodness of our Lord in every trial and celebration. Not for just this day, but for all of our days. Until, the final trumpet sounds and we hear his voice. Do you hear what I hear?
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." -John 10:27
Today, I am grateful for the sound of a loved ones voice.
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