The World Series happens during harvest. Some people work second shift jobs. Others have children who need them everywhere but at a ball game on a week night.
Technology takes us to great seats, tapes things so we don't miss a thing and allows us watch it over and over. What a wonderful world this is, for all the benefits of technology.
I am one who is quick to lament the things technology has robbed us from experiencing. Face to face conversations (or even the phone) has been replaced by emails and texting. Leaving a phone message is as strange to a child today as reading an analog clock. We have lost things, but today, I am celebrating the gifts.
Tonight is a night of wonder and dreams come true. Tonight... Baseball's best include to teams who have been had trials and disappointments. One of them will win. (I do want it to be the Cubbies.) But,win or lose... Cub Fans will still be Cub fans in the morning. It is not unusual for Cubs fans to outnumber the home team. Fans everywhere around the world will take their seat in front of the TV, computer or iPad through technology.
Technology will take us there. We will be a part of the experience! We can join in the singing of the national anthem with respect,..we stand and sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" at the 7th inning stretch. Cubs fans... if the boys in blue, red and white play the better game (and I hope they do)... We will shed tears of pure joy and relief as we sing "Go, Cubs, Go" like never before in our lifetime. After a World Series big "W"!
Again... both teams have good men, great coaches. Both have come so far. We don't have to sit around a radio or read it in the paper. Technology takes us there with replays.
Faith is defined in scripture as "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I imagine there are men of faith on both teams. I hope character shows and is rewarded.
Every man on the field to night is living out their "field of dreams". Jason Kipnis and Zac McAllister are home grown but Indians tonight. The Cubs... how fun it is to go from "Try Not to Suck" to Game Seven of the World Series 2016? Crazy fun!
The news is reporting last night as "The Cubs force 7th Game of the Series". Listening to Kris Bryant said it well. "It's good baseball." The excitement is tangible. Not "forcing" a 7th game. Grateful! Truly grateful.
May the world judge us by our baseball and not our politics.
"Thank you Lord for good baseball in this crazy election year. We are grateful you look at our hearts... and humbled that you love us where were are, but long to bring us closer to you." - Amen
Today, I am grateful for the technology that takes us to the best seats in the house for special events.
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