Daily Gratitude Year Four-Day 309: Today, I am grateful for the ability to remember.
(Text my journal prompt #7: For what memory are you grateful?)
So many face memory loss with aging and diseases such a Alzheimer's, Huntington's and other diseases with dementia. Our memories are what help us write our story and know what was important. The one grace is that with some diseases, the earliest memories fade the slowest. A loved one may not remember even a few hours ago, but have clear childhood memories. That is a sweet gift.
Memories carry us through tough days. They remind us that every trial has a beginning and an end. Every day has a sun-up and a sun-down. (The sun will be up a little sooner on daylight savings time.) Memory is the balm to a grieving soul and the source of reunion conversations. For me, recollections of my sons days in elementary school still seem so rich and clear, but here they are men. I don't even know many of the teachers in a building I was once a regular volunteer. Memories are sweet. Sometimes bittersweet as time flies faster as we grow a little older.
Memories of childhood gatherings with family mean so much. We savored every minute of cousin time. The fun was endless until we collapsed in exhaustion. Thanksgiving has become a favorite holiday. It is a family reunion and a time to make a few more memories.
I am still thinking about a scripture from the weekend. After Jesus had heard that his cousin John the Baptist was beheaded, he feed the multitude... but then... sent his disciples away so he could find some solitude to pray, rest, restore and I am sure... reflect on the memories of growing up with John. The man, his message and the disciple who baptized him,as an example and beginning that tradition of public expression of faith in Christ. How full of memories his heart must have been. I know he wept, but he chose a private place to be with the Father in prayer. So many memories were with him in his sorrow to fill his cup with gratitude for the life and times they shared.
Memories are a rich part of the fiber of our lives, lest we forget who we really are.
Earworm is singing "Hello, my name is child of the one true king."... a favorite by Matthew West.
Today, I am grateful for the ability to remember.
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