My friend, Shelia, spoke a few weeks ago about a December awareness event called Dressember. I have not been able to get it out of my head. First, For King and Country's song "Priceless" has grabbed at my heart. Then, I saw they made a movie about human trafficking based on that song. Obviously, it is a mission close to their hearts.
"Dressember" is a commitment to wear a dress every day in December (yes, it is cold here) to bring personal awareness and raise funds to help rescue and restore the lives of humans impacted by the sex trade that is alive and well... right here in the USA and beyond our borders.
Proverbs 31:8-9 NLT keeps coming to mind. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."
"Dressember" doesn't sound that hard until I think about the times I really enjoy the "cozy" of a sweatshirt and leggings. Some have no voice and no choice. I love wearing dresses, but I have a choice. For "Dressember", I will give up that choice as a reminder to pray for those enslaved and the people in law enforcement who seek, rescue and give their lives to save those who are crushed in spirit by human trafficking.
Babies as young as two are taken and sold. Boys are not exempt. GIrls around the world and right here at home continue to have their innocence taken... literally stripped from them... with no tenderness and no choice. Many are conned with promises of work and a better life. They buy the lies. They can't get out without help. They grow into young women under the cover of the darkness with no hope for escape.Their souls are wounded.
Where there is no moral compass, human depravity runs deep. Where people are willing to bring awareness and make a stand... hope grows. Wear there are people willing to stand together... there is hope. Wear a dress a day for 31 days.
"Dressember" supports the International Justice Mission and A21 with funds raised. The Superbowl is one of the biggest human trafficking venues of the year right here at home in the USA. The cybersex trade is easy to hide and it happens everywhere there is internet access.
So... I am taking the challenge to wear a dress every day (even on my stay home Christmas day... that is all about cozy) because everyday there are humans who have no choice on what they will wear and how their bodies will be used. For the month of December - a dress is a "prayer trigger" to keep me praying for those fighting the cause of freedom in some of the darkest places and for the people risking life and limb to rescue them.
I am grateful for Sheila's passion that has been contagious. Illinois Dressfighters is our team. I am not asking for money. I will give some tithe money because it calls to my heart. I am adding the link for anyone that feels the same call on their heart. https://support.dressemberfoundation.org/fundraiser/851051
Today, I am grateful for "Dressember"..
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