Daily Gratitude Year Four-Day 323: Today, I am grateful the art of scrapbooking. (Text my journal prompt #18: What art or piece of art are you most grateful for?)
"Every story matters, and you are a walking story."
How do I choose a favorite art? I love them all.
Back in the late 1980's I discovered rubber stamps and paper arts when my dear friends, Lana and Tom, moved to Hong Kong. I used rubber stamps to make happy mail.
Then, I learned about the wide world of paper arts. I have a collection of creative stuff that literally makes me smile. I have used it for everything from card making to Bible Journaling. Still... the art that has most captured my heart is modern scrapbooking.
Scrapbooking combines my love of photography and "paper arts" with storytelling and memory preservation. It is my personal, artistic sweet spot. Lately, many of my scrapbooks are digital in medium, making them easier to share... but my soul still sings when I have time to work the paper process. I love them both. One kind of art can have many facets... just like a beautiful gemstone.
Only in recent years have I included pages about myself. I became involved in an online community that really stresses that we should tell our own stories and not just the stories of our loved ones. Lain Ehmann's class, "Your Story Matters", added another component to this art I love so much and introduced me to some amazing scrapbookers in an online community. I have "friends" around the world and many of us will do our best to "connect" when travel. Art brings people together.
For me, it is a chance to capture our lives, our faith, our highs and even our lows. Yes... the hard stuff matters, too. Those stories will strengthen the next generation. Look at Hebrews 11:31-33:
"By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies. And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets—33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,"
These Hebrew men and women were part of generation after generation of God coming to the aide of his people when they sought his face and changed their ways. I adore that Rahab is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. From prostitute to kinship with Jesus. Life's chapters are chapters. The big story is whom we choose to serve and where that leads us.
I was always captivated by Grandpa Lindgren's stories. Matt, April and I all lived with our grandparents for a season. Matt was the youngest and was Grandpa's roommate until he married Jennifer. Jennifer tells of many failed date nights that were never executed because they ended up around the Formica table in Grandpa's kitchen, hearing his stories. Now, she smiles remembering the richness of those evenings.
Today, I am grateful the art of scrapbooking.
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