Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Daily Gratitude Year 6- Day 142: Today, I am grateful for homecomings. 

Everyone loves the feeling of coming home. College kids are do. Military men and women hold onto the promise of the homecoming on the toughest days. Those released from hospital stays take in the first breath of home like an extra dose of good medicine. Those with dogs at home know that every homecoming is celebration worthy, even if your trip was only to the mailbox. Homecomings are a reason to rejoice. 

Early in our marriage, I learned somewhere that it was so important to not greet my spouse at the end of the day with everything that went wrong, but to make the homecoming something to look forward to at the end of the day. I think it was good advice. Most of us have daily bumps, foes and woes as we go through the work day. Going home should be sweet. 

God designed us for homecomings. He created us to be with Him in a relationship. Sons and daughters of the Creator of the Universe. When you hold time and eternity in your hand, there is no reason for a short story. His big picture is full of mystery and surprise, but one thing we can be sure of is that we were born to be his. Designed with free will, loved beyond measure and deeply treasured. 

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. -Ephesians 1:5(NLT)

I have been reading a book series and studying the New Testament chronologically. The gospels had us walking with Jesus every day and gain new insights as we studied how he moved, how he prayed, how he taught, when he healed and when he allowed some suffering. Along with the study, my pastor gifted me with Ted Dekker's "30 A.D.". The timing was perfect. In the book, a young bedouin woman with so much hurt and grief in her short life, encounters the life altering and changing grace of Jesus. They have been a great combination. 

In the novel series, they refer to Jesus by his Hebrew name, Yeshua. Authentic for the setting. When you say it outloud, is has such a calming feel. There is a "shh" in the name. Quieting and calming. "Be still and know" comes to mind. 

The Bible study and the novel, together, have made me think about how hard it would be to have him with us in a physical way... but then to have him leave. Today, we know the power of the Holy Spirit is real and keeps us connected in powerful ways, but surely his disciples missed sharing a meal and the physical hand on their shoulders when they needed encouragement. 

Yeshua. Beautiful, isn't it? So are his promises. We are promised a homecoming. 

"There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?" -John 14:2

Does it get any better than that? Adoption into the King of Kings family and the promise of home. 

 Today, I am grateful for homecomings. 

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