Sunday, May 13, 2018

My Mama Ina Mae

Daily Gratitude Year 6- Day 133: Today, I am grateful for my Mama. 

I have the sweetest Mom on the planet. She is gracious, kind and loving to all living creatures. She delights in the most simple things, and taught me to do the same. She modeled the joy in choosing to be content with enough. That kind of joy, when sincere, is contagious. 

Mama always took the smallest portion so there would be more for others. She often began her meal after everyone else was almost finished. She served until everyone had what they wanted or needed. Dad was ridiculously spoiled and he knew it. Honestly, they both sat two steps from the fridge at the kitchen table. If he wanted something in the fridge he would say, "Ina Mae, pass me the Miracle Whip." Up she would jump to grab the forgotten item; he knew it wasn't on the table. 

Just recently, it dawned on me that she breathed so much strength into all three of us with her parenting. I remember how mean girls could be if my clothing wasn't right or I didn't understand something in popular culture that I had little exposure to with no cable or satellite television. One of phrases she spoke to all three of us was:

"If they are picking on you, they are leaving someone else alone."  Perhaps that sounds unkind, but when I recently reflected on her parenting response to a common childhood problem, I realized that she was brilliant. She spoke strength, confidence and courage into us. 

1. Her statement said, "I believe you are strong enough to handle hard stuff. You are stronger than many others" Yes, she believed in us, even when we didn't believe in ourselves.

2. We were to "love our neighbors". Non-negotiable. If this meant being the one to take the unkind words from the "mean kids", so be it. She expected us to "stand in the gap" to protect someone else.We were loved and treasured children. Others did not have safe and loving homes as a refuge. 

3. She fostered confidence and gave the constant message that we were capable of managing hard things. What a gift! She believed in us. 

4. She taught us that some people are miserable. They want everyone around them to be miserable, too. She made it clear, we had the power to refuse to let them get to us. No one can make us miserable without our consent. She was a big fan of Corrie Ten Boom. When we can't change the circumstance, we still have the power to control our attitudes. 

5. It didn't matter what other people thought of us. God's opinion matters. We needed to behave in a way that would be pleasing in His sight. 

There are very real instances of bullying that need intervention by adults and authorities. Mama would not disagree with that for even a minute. Still, I am grateful she devoted more time to growing us, than defending us.

If I had to describe my mother in two words, it would not be an easy task. I think "Love Warrior" describes her best. She oozes warmth. When someone is hurtful or unkind, she looks past their offense to the wounded soul inside that needs the healing and peace only Jesus can provide. She loves with her whole heart. She is strong enough to risk being hurt. She amazes me. 

Living with Huntington's Disease isn't easy. The disease can cause people to become mean and surly. So far... Mama has been spared this personality change. It seems the Holy Spirit continues to guard her heart, and for this we are truly blessed. She is grateful to live and love another day. She is ready to go when the Master calls her to heavenly healing and sweet reunions. 

The scriptures says that in heaven, the first shall be last and the last shall be first. When Mama's time comes, she will have a very special place. She was content to be last and did it with grace. Each day... each year God grants her here, is another opportunity to live in Christ. Her heart grows more excited for heaven.We can see it. As the earthly flesh ages and fades, the knowledge of heaven sparkles in her eyes. "Be paid up, prayed up and ready to go up."  

" it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell." -Philippians 1:20b-22

We are grateful for her good days. We are grateful for the many who visit her. We are grateful that she is still able to love, paint, reminisce and savor nature's wonders. She was born to be a farm wife. She was born to embrace the joy in heaven and nature singing the wonders of our Lord. She chooses love and joy. She lives with light. She is one of a kind. 

The image holds one of her other "Ina Mae-isms" we were expected to live by. "Learn something new every day." 

I try, Mama. I try. 

Today, I am grateful for my Mama.

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