Saturday, January 14, 2023

Touch the Hem


Daily Gratitude Year Eleven- Day 14: Today, I am grateful we can touch the hem of His robe.

Have you ever been desperate for a healing? Have you cried out and felt your prayers fall on deaf ears? If the answer is "Yes.", I am confident you are not alone. 

When we are in the middle of the crisis and the mess, it is hard to clearly see His hand moving. Fear can take over.

 Our Jesus wants to replace fear with faith. 

Matthew 9 records the details of Jesus doing a healing marathon. The word was out. The demand on his time was constant. The drain on his energy must have been constant, too. Part of this day was recorded in  Matthew, Mark, and Luke. (Yes, three out of four Gospels capture this moment, so we better pay attention!)

In the Jewish world, a woman bleeding  was considered unclean. There was a ritual cleaning that would take place at the end of a cycle before a woman would return to her husband. Bleeding women were not allowed in the temple. Imagine, 12 years without entering the place where your heart longed to be for worship? Not being able to participate would have been horrible for her. She must have been lonely and desperate after 12 years.  

She hears of Jesus. She knows miracles abound. Is there one left for her? Her self esteem was probably low or non-existent. She wanted it to be over. We cannot know what her true expectation was or her state of mind, but we know her faith was real. She didn't want to bother the rabbi, but she knew touching the hem of his robe would be enough. 

Here is the passage:

"Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment." -Matthew 9:20-22

The times were changing. Jesus was changing things. It was her faith that he desired. He responded not just with a healing, but with giving her His undivided attention, and he was on His way to raise a girl from the dead. (He was kind of busy.) Still, her believing in Jesus was a game changer. He felt it. 

Putting her trust in Jesus would change eternity for her and others who chose to believe and receive.

She had know idea how her healing would come. She simply knew touching Him would make the difference. Connecting to Jesus would be her rescue. He would "make her well." (Strong's G4982-sozo) In Him, alone, she would be safe.  

Our Jesus wants to replace fear with faith. When we reach out and "touch the hem", we will be well. will be well with us. 

Today, I am grateful we can touch the hem of His robe.

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