"Footprints in the Sand" is a old poem that still shows up with regularity. It is a reminder that Jesus is with us always. Sometimes, he carries us when we are too weary, weak or sad to press on. It is a sweet and sentimental writing.
This quote is not a sweet:
"On the back of Satan's neck is a nail scarred footprint." -CS Lewis
With Easter around the corner, I am reminded of our Savior who suffered for our sins by choice. He chose the cross so we could be purchased out of our sinful state and made right with the Father. He paid our debt in full.
The grave could not hold him. His resurrection was our shared victory. Jesus story did not end with the grave. He offers a new beginning for all who call him Lord. I like the thought of a nail scarred footprint on Satan's back.
For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son.-Romans 5:10
We have new life in Christ. We can follow Him and His ways for all of our days. His footsteps are clearly written in the gospels. Follow his footprints. It is always a great adventure.
Today, I am grateful for footprints.
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