These is an amazing little list! Not one of these things has to cost money... even number four. Most of us have plenty in our closets and food pantries to help the less fortunate. Sometimes they need our time more than money.
Misery loves company and the miserable ones in our midst do their best to drag everyone else down. We can choose to resist. We can choose happy.
#1 might be my favorite on the list. Ignore nonsense! How much time, energy and worry do we waste on nonsense? Too much.
The characteristics listed here were modeled by Jesus. He ignored nonsense. He listened long before he spoke. He learned the carpenter's trade. He helped the sick and ailing. Laughter might be the hardest one to document, but I know he loved the children and children always make us laugh. He was up early to prayer. He was the Messiah but asked no special treatment. He was thankful before meals, when he faced trials, when he was with friends and when he prayed in solitude. He was thankful in all things.
He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” -Luke 22:19
He gave thanks for the bread. Such a simple, common meal. He knew there were tough hours ahead, but in the moment... he was grateful and celebrated God's blessings.
It is a good day to consider the habits of happy people and embrace them.
Today, I am grateful for the habits of the happy.
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