My friend, Connie, posted this and I laughed out loud. This is the story of my life. One of these things always seems to be missing.
How does it happen so often? I am a creature of habit, but the coming home scenario changes at times based on frozen food, cold milk, a box at the front door or a dog that really needs to go out. In those moments, I carelessly set something down in the wrong place.
There are times, something outside of "normal" interrupts set patterns of behavior.
Jesus disciples had normal patterns of behavior that included Jesus.... all the time... every day. He was with them to teach and encourage. Suddenly, Jesus was gone.
I cannot imagine how the disciples felt in the days after Jesus was crucified and taken to the tomb. Everything was wrong. Their world had been turned upside down. The must have felt lost and out of place.
They gathered together in fear and in shared grief. They were broken and confused.Then, what was most precious and lost to them suddenly appeared! Jesus was in their midst.
That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said. As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! -Luke 20:19-20
There sorrow turned to shock... and then joy! Jesus had conquered death. He had redeemed them with his blood. Suddenly, the world seemed right again. The men who left that upper room were different than the ones who had arrived.
They no longer needed to grieve. What seemed lost had returned. Their gratitude and celebration overflowed. They rejoiced together. Their joy must have been full.
Today, I am grateful I know where my wallet, glasses, keys and phone are at this moment.
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