Friday, November 27, 2020

Building & Pursuing


"Year 8-Day 332: Today, I’m grateful for those who build up and pursue peace.

The holidays are a time of coming together. With togetherness comes many different ideas and opinions. There is something uniquely beautiful about people with different opinions sharing time together and finding harmony. 

Harmony means there are different voices singing different notes. Some like cranberry sauce with whole cranberries, others like the jellied stuff straight out of the can. Some don't like it at all. We can view cranberries with different opinions and still enjoy the meal. 

This verse from Romans is one to ponder before family gatherings at the holidays. Building each other up and looking for peaceful common ground is powerful in relationships. In fact, in that space is where we learn to listen better. If you haven't changed your mind or view on something... on anything... in the past year, you might want to assess your listening skills. It is good to listen for understanding and not just for the opportunity to reply. It isn't always easy... but it is good. 

"So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding." -Romans 14:19 

We forget the true power of encouragement to impact someone's life on an ordinary day. With the isolation of the current lockdowns, many are struggling. They feel disconnected and alone. They don't feel peace. A word of encouragement might be the thing that helps them turn the day around. I miss real hugs, but an encouraging word is like a verbal hug. 

I love to read the recorded interactions of Jesus. He never led with a correction. He led with relationship. He opened doors by listening, not pushing. Even his brief encounters left a unique mark on the life of the individual. One of my favorites was the woman who touched the hem of his robe and gained healing. He knew very well who she was. He knew all about her, but first, he asked a question. 

We can practice building others up in the grocery store... at work... and around our family tables. Encouraging others is a building block to peace. 

Today, I’m grateful for those who build up and pursue peace.

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