Friday, November 6, 2020

Checks On My Pride

Year 8-Day 311: Today, I’m grateful for checks on my pride.

I've been in a fabulous online Bible study with the most incredible group of ladies. We did the New Testament first... and then have slowly made our way through the Old Testament. 

Right now, we are in the Prophets. There are words of wisdom for this current day and age. Yes, His Word is still alive. It was then. It is now.

This snippet was from today's passages:

"And all the trees of the field shall know that I am the Lord; I bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish. I am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.” -Ezekiel 17:24

This passage is worth picking apart. WOW. He "brings low the high tree". Getting humbled isn't fun but it is necessary to bend our stubborn ways. "He makes high the low tree." He loves to raise up the truly humble. He can "dry up the green" as a reality check. He can make what seems dead flourish." 

My soul SINGS when I see a semicolon. "I am the Lord; (pause and re-read that again... I am the Lord) "I have spoken and I will do it." His way, not my way or the way of the world. 

I found this powerful prayer:

"... and if my pride ever grows bigger than my love for you Lord, please remind me, it's Your air I'm breathing." 

Pride is what lead to the fall and a broken relationship in the beginning. Pride can still keep us from a restored relationship. At times, we must first be broken down. Pride checks are usually painful. Restored relationships are worth the humble pie. 

"Father, break us down. Lift us up. Lead us to the throne of your mercy and grace. Teach us to PAUSE and take in awesomeness so that we are overwhelmed by YOU alone. Not any circumstance in the world, the government or at home. You are our God. -Amen"

Today, I’m grateful for checks on my pride. 

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