Father to the fatherless, defender of widows - this is God, whose dwelling is holy. -Psalm 68:5
Meredith Andrews has a song that includes this scripture - "Father of the Fatherless, defender of the weak... this is God, in His holy place." It is a song that always causes me to pause and reflect on who God is. Not who I think he is our want him to be... but, who He is.
We are never alone. We are never Fatherless. We are not wives without husbands or husbands without wives. We are not brides without a groom, either. We are His beloved. That makes my soul sing in the most unique key.
As we grow older and experience losses... I treasure the sweet reminder that we are never without a Father who is present, if we choose to get to know Him. He patiently waits for an invitation. He longs to fill our hearts and our lives with joy and contentment. There is no lonely in Jesus, because in Him there is a quiet place... a secret wilderness place... where we can simply be with Him in prayer, reading his word and listening for the spirit. It is a sweet place or rest and restoration.
Earworm is singing another song, "What Do I know Of Holy?" (Addison Road) is another old favorite. The answer... not much. In my human state... with human weaknesses... not much! "Strong God"... here is the song with a beautiful prayer to bless us all this day.
Father to all who repent, return and choose Him back. There is room at the cross, room in His heart and room at His table. We can be fully adopted with all the rights, privileges and inheritance through Christ. What more could we ask for?
Today, I am grateful for the "Father of the Fatherless".
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