I try not let the "to do list" for next year overshadow the joy in the current year's completion. There is a sweetness in the moment of knowing that what is done... is done.
Today, I am grateful to report that our family bean planting began yesterday! Hallelujah. Between the stress of the rains and the calendar days ticking swiftly away, there is pressure to get it in as fast as possible and pray for the best. There is a finish line! It may not be "the race" we hoped for, but it is a sweet victory when the course has been grueling, emotional and unpredictable.
This verse comes to mind for the farmers and to those ending a school year... and everyone else finishing a work project, a home improvement project or a tough job of any kind.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. -2 Timothy 4:7
Embrace the moment and savor crossing over. Our energy may be spent and our limbs burning from the effort, but there is joy in the finish.
Today, I am grateful for finish lines.
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