Let me clarify... unless they are rescued and invited into the house... I am grateful for little critters outside!
Spring is the season of new life everywhere. Watching the little critters outside is fascinating. They are playful and energetic. They make bad decisions and practice new skills. They don't worry or fret. They spend their days looking for their next meal and their next adventure.
Nature is full of wonder. The little critters are some of my favorites to watch, because many are unbothered by humans watching through a window or at a safe distance.
This little raccoon reminds me of the ones we raised. When a mother met a sad fate, my Dad could not leave babies to die. Our first racoon was when I was in high school. The second,a set of twins, we released a few days before our wedding. I remember them acting more like teens. The first few days, they wanted all the freedom... but longed for the easy meals we provided from the green Tupperware bowl. They were the cutest! A mix of sweet, rapid fire purrs and curiously naughty explorations. It was always hard to let them go, but it was the right thing for them.
O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.-Psalm 104:24
A perfect passage to celebrate the little critters who keep us entertained out the window.
Today, I am grateful for little critters.
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