Monday, February 15, 2021

God Still Speaks

Year 9- Day 46: Today, I am grateful God still speaks.

I know God still speaks. There are God winks and serendipitous moments that are clearly God reminding us that He still lives, loves, walks and talks with us. This image is from Ginger Hughes.  I love the quote:

"God still speaks. But, He may not yell about the noise in your life to make himself heard. -Ginger Hughes,

Ouch! How many times have I missed guidance from God because of all the other noise in my life. God should not have to yell to get my attention. If he has to yell, does he really have first place in our lives? 

When I think of some of my Biblical favorites, many of them were placed in places where they had nothing but time and quiet to contemplate God's voice. Remember Jonah in the belly of a big fish? How about three teenage boys waiting in a fiery furnace walking around un-singed? There was Joseph waiting in the well, Joseph on the caravan wagon waiting to be sold and Joseph waiting in prison. Joseph waited. He learned to be still and ponder God's voice. 

"Be still in the presence of the Lordand wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes." -Psalm 37:7

While on the earth, Jesus would find wilderness and garden places to pray, wait and listen. Who am I to think I can hear God's direction when life around me is nothing but noise? 

Take time for intentional calm and quiet. For some, it is in a closet. For others, in the shower with the steam all around. Some prefer the tranquil moments pre-dawn to take in The Word and really, truly listen. I assure you. He still speaks. 

Above my kitchen sink is Psalm 46:10- “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” 

Only the first sentence is on the wall. The rest of the verse has some important details to remember, too. He will be honored among the nations... and the world.

Today, I am grateful God still speaks.

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