Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Time We've Got


Year 9- Day 49: Today, I am grateful for the time we've got.

Oh... it is hard for me not to improve  that sentence by using another word, instead of "got"... but I am going to leave it. It is right for this post. 

Today's quote is not referenced. It might be straight from the heart of the artist, Mary Engelbreit. She has quite a collection of quotes she uses in her art work. It is probably why I love her so much and have been buying her art for more than 30 years. She touches my heart with her words, her art and her whimsy. 

"Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's the only time you've got." 

The word play on the Charles Dickens classic quote tickles my love for literature. The common sense in her words, appeals to the practical side of my brain. These past twelve months have been less than ideal, but we don't get a do-over. This is the time we've got.

So many people have found creative ways to spend time together. Love is a powerful force. Love finds a way. Love always wins. 

It is a simple truth. We are only given one day at a time. We can only spend one day at a time. The trouble is that we don't really know the number of our days, so it is easy to waste them frivolously away. Every day is precious. Every birthday, every holiday and every celebration in a lifetime is a moment made more special when shared with family, friends and other loved ones. 

One of the trials of this COVID pandemic has been the brutal separations from our loved ones. Trying to balance "doing the right thing" with the unknowns, but knowing that some of our loved ones have very limited days left on the planet... and those lost days cannot be recovered. The only time we have is this time. 

Some days are the best of times. Cleared schedules have gifted us with time at home. Board games are the answer to the bored who shall not be named. How many of us actually used the stacked games in the cabinet like they've never been used before? Some dug out old family recipes and rolling pins. 

Sidewalk chalk, baking and walks outside filled the days. We learned to manage our time a little differently. Not all of it has been bad. In the "worst of times", we have made some of the "best of times". (Oh dear... Earworm is singing "The Best of Times" by Styx.) We have drawn closer to our immediate family and treasured our extended family, too.

This scripture often comforts my soul:

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.-Romans 8:38-39

This season will come to an end. The number of our days doesn't change... they are still unknown... and honestly, I am grateful. I don't want to know the end date on my earthly dash. On the other hand, I do want to not waste the time I am gifted. I want to make the most of the moments granted with a grateful heart.

Today, I am grateful for the time we've got.

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