Monday, November 15, 2021

Good Overpowers Evil


Daily Gratitude Year 9- Day 318: Today, I am grateful we can overpower evil with good. 

Most of us do not enjoy the feeling of being out of control. It is frightening. So many times I've heard people reject a life in Christ because they want to do things their own way. We reject the "You are not the boss of me!" mentality. We want to be the captains of our own ships. 

Truthfully, on our own, we get into trouble. We get arrogant and self absorbed. Jesus instructs us to look to him and live. If we look to ourselves. we will be disappointed, for sure. 

Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good. -Romans 12:21  

I am grateful for parents who taught us the way. No one is perfect, but Dad and Mama tried to look to His Word to find the way through difficult spots in life. They believed that in the end, God wins. I believe this, too. 

We must learn the value of self-control which works out better when we are Spirit controlled. Patience makes a difference. The strength to stand in the face of adversity says a great deal about the character of a man or woman. Don't let evil win. Do not feel defeated. 

Stand up. Fight the good fight. Finish the race. Take the win. 

Today, I am grateful we can overpower evil with good. 

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