Friday, November 19, 2021

Shared Grief

Daily Gratitude Year 9- Day 323: Today, I am grateful for those who live out Romans 12:15.

Our hearts are full and our heads want to remember the stories and the gift of shared grief. The outpouring of love, even during these crazy Covid times has warmed our hearts and eased our sorrow. A life well lived is something worth celebrating. 

No need to play a dirge. A joyful soul in a worn out, diseased body has been freed. Let the people rejoice! There is blessed assurance and amazing grace all over the place. We are not people without hope. We are chosen and loved. When the Heavenly Father calls us home, we are not late for dinner. 

Mama did have one tiny flaw. She was always late. Mama was late and April was later. Matt and I smiled knowing that although none of us knew the exact hour she would join Jesus... we knew that she would be exactly on time. 

We are grateful for the stories collected in grief that will be remembered with smiles and warmth. 

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.-Romans 12:15.

Yes, we weep, but only for a season. We rejoice in a soul set free. 

Today, I am grateful for those who live out Romans 12:15.

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