Daily Gratitude Year 10- Day 159: Today, I am grateful we can laugh together over a meal.
"The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal." - CS Lewis
It is good. Time with loved ones at the table is priceless. I am fairly sure laughing at the table is good for digestion... and I know it is good for the soul.
"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." -Proverbs 17:22
Take the time to do more than talk. Laugh! Life is full of things that don't make sense. We can choose our response. Sometimes, we cry. Other times... we can laugh!
Think about the last time you laughed hard over a meal. Who caused that kind of laughter? Spend more time with people who make you laugh.
Today, I am grateful we can laugh together over a meal.
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