Friday, January 19, 2018

Pop of Color

Year 6-Day 19: Today, I am grateful for a pop of color on a winter landscape.

This image is of an old covered bridge in Vermont. I imagine that someone has written a book on covered bridges, but I have never looked for it. I know that Brown County Indiana has a festival every year celebrating the old fashioned covered bridge. Today, I am celebrating the pop of color on a winter landscape. 

This is day 19 of intentionally not complaining about the cold and the winter. I've not been perfect, but the slip ups have only been a few... and it has been pretty cold. 

This picture (from Pinterest) reminded me of the that winter's landscape is the perfect showcase for a "pop of color". A pop of color is good for the soul in the midst of the cold January days. 

Each season has its own unique qualities. Winter's canvas means that we can easily spot the red cardinal or a blue jay in the yard. In fact, I saw a blue jay this week. His blues were spectacular framed in white and grays. Don't forget the evergreens! when all the other trees are bare, they provide winter greens and blues that are spectacular when frosted with snow or ice crystals.

For those who live where the seasons change, many of us will say that is why we stay. It isn't just about the falls or the springs... it is all of these things and more. It is the carousel of colors unique to each season... and winter is not without it's joys.

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” -Genesis 8:22

That was a God promise after the Great Flood. The seasons continue to change and this winter, we can choose to delight in the creation that inspires the Crayola Big Box of crayons (my favorite). Color impacts our mood... and it can calm our emotions. There is a calming coolness to a winter landscape... but joy come from a pop of color. 

Today, I am choosing to be grateful for a pop of color on a winter landscape.

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