Monday, January 22, 2018

Winter Invites Quiet

Year 6-Day 22:Today, I am grateful winter invites a quiet life.

Why do I forget that an overscheduled life happens by my own hand at the calendar? Winter is the perfect time to slow down and savor a quiet life. In fact... we can schedule in home time, meal around the table time, board games with family time, clean out the closet time, creative time and cozy time. 

Intentional living... seeking a quiet life... is just that, intentional. 

 "...and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you," 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Now a quiet life doesn't mean we are isolated. Far from it. Delivering a plate of cookies or a bowl of soup to a widow, that includes a visit and a cup of coffee and conversation fits right into the idea of a quiet life. 

Quilts rise and fall in popularity, but they are always practical. The women of of our congregation have a long tradition of quilting together. It is a time of fellowship and working with their hands to create quilts that will be donated to the annual Illinois Mennonite Relief Sale in March. It is a task that involves busy hands paying close attention to their work. They create these quilts in community. The work of their hands will raise funds for the basic needs of the hurting in our local communities and abroad. Hunger will satisfied. Educational kits with needed supplies will be sent to Third World countries. Buckets of items to meet basic needs of people when disaster strikes are filled in part because these ladies gather to quilt. 

Our quilters are multigenerational. What a rich fellowship they share. I am sure the conversations are entertaining at time and rich in sharing and wisdom. 

Of course, any time people... men and women...  gather, one of the biggest challenges is to "mind our own affairs". In Paul's letter to the the Thessalonians he delivers a warning about that very issue... and slips it into his instructions about aspiring to a quiet life.  Don't we all need that little reminder at times. If a prayer request doesn't end in prayer time, is it just gossip? 

Celebrate the chance to slow down and make it happen. Schedule it if that makes it happen. Soon the scent of Spring will be in the air. The quiet life is never easily obtained, but if there were ever a season that calls us to slow down... it is winter. 

Attitude Update: Day twenty one of intentionally trying to NOT complain about winter. I've not been perfect... but doing pretty well. Holding my tongue, instead of jumping on the "complain about winter" train when the grumbling starts... it is still intentional. I hope that by the end of winter, it will come more naturally. It is a work in progress.

Step back and slow down whenever you can. Make it happen. It is good for the soul. 

Today, I am grateful winter invites a quiet life.

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