Year 6 - Day 211: Today, I am grateful for unspeakable joy.
Sometimes, there are no words. When a moment is so filled with wonder and wow... you have to smile until it hurts or a laughter bursts.
The picture is our great niece. She loves giraffes. This child is a special gift. She is a reminder that God reigns and that he speaks into our sorrows and brings unspeakable joy. Her parents have not taken one moment for granted from the moment God placed her in their arms. A love grown in the heart is as deep, and real and precious as a love grown in the womb.
I am so grateful for the miracle of adoption. It is a long road that is often speckled with fear,disappointment and uncertainty. It takes an unwavering commitment, because the process is hard. When patience, perseverance, courage and love win... it is an example of unspeakable joy.
We have been blessed to have adoption stories woven into our family tree and in our neighborhood for many years. It is a unique and breathtaking because God moves twice. First he knits a unique child in a biological mother's womb... and then he paves the way for a forever family to open their hearts to receive the gift of raising the very same child.
My friends Kim and Melanie were some of the first friends I knew whose parents were very open about the truth that they were adopted. Back in the day... many kept it a big secret. I remember them explaining how with biological births... you get what you get. The difference, "My parents choose me." Unspeakable joy.
Today is a good day to say a prayer of gratitude for the biological parents who love their child enough to give that child an opportunity for a better, safer life with hope for a bright future in someone else's arms. Pray for their wounds and brokenness to heal, knowing that their sacrifice is a special kind of love.
Remember, Jesus was placed in Mary's womb, sharing human genetics, but it was Joseph who would adopt him as his own in every way. Unconditional love, protection and teaching him his carpenter's trade. Joseph offered guidance and other things earthly father's provide. He was his real Dad. Jesus had two fathers.
In the Christmas story, Joseph holds a special place in my heart. His faith, kindness and devotion melt my heart. Present at the birth, but not really the father. He let love win.
One of my favorite scriptures is about adoption speaks to God's plan to redeem his special, free-willed, free-wheeling creation.
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. -Ephesians 2:19-20
And another:
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. -Ephesians 1:5
I don't pretend to understand the depth of His love. The closest human experiences are choosing love in marriage and the love we have for a child. Sacrificial love that says, "I will care for you. I will put your needs before my desires. My desires change to love you better." God gives us adoption experiences so that we might understand that kind of love. A love so powerful it brings us tears of joy. Unspeakable joy.
Back to the picture. There is no better place to view the world, than sitting on Daddy's shoulders. Our nephew is a tall guy. Imagine being inches away from a giraffe's nose when you love giraffes and have never been so close to one! Unspeakable joy.
Today, I am grateful for unspeakable joy.