Sunday, November 24, 2019


Daily Gratitude Year 7- Day 328: Today, I am grateful for abundance.

We live in a land of plenty. It saddens me to think of the children, single parents and elderly who go to bed hungry. It is good to remember the local food banks this time of year... and maybe even a neighbor who has fallen on hard times. Even a little bit of gifting can make a difference to someone in need. 

Our family will spend two days prepping food for the Thanksgiving feast. Then, there will be potluck dishes when the family gathers. The food is always ample. We often manage to eat an evening meal from the leftovers. Talk about abundance!

Jesus tells of a widow's generosity in giving all that she had. She had no abundance, but she gave anyway"

And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them.  For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” -Luke 21:3-5

Hearing this scripture always challenges me to listen to the heart of Jesus. Do we give only out of our abundance or do we give in a way that shows we trust Him to care for all of our needs? 

This week of Thanksgiving is the the perfect opportunity to reflect on what we give... not just what we have. 

Today, I am grateful for abundance.

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