My green Tupperware colanders I am fairly sure came from Mama's kitchen surplus or a garage sale. I use the small one almost daily. So many meals require draining and straining. Rice, veggies, produce, pasta and beans almost always require pulling out the colander.
These kitchen tools hold some sentimental value but they are also very practical. The colander... or strainer as we often call it... allows us to wash, sort and sift out the good from the bad. It is the tool we use to drain the boiling water safely from pasta or vegetables without getting burned. The value of this kitchen tool goes far beyond the cost of the item. It is one of those humble tools that I would be lost without. You have to cleanse, drain and separate the good from the bad when making a meal.
It made me think about the sifting of the saints. This scripture matched up well:
"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”-Luke 22:31-32
These are the words Jesus spoke at the last supper. What jumped out today was that Satan had asked Jesus to sift the twelve like wheat, but Jesus went as their advocate before the Father. He wanted to protect them from Satan's schemes and evil ways. Jesus pleaded in prayer for their strength when human free will was called into play.
Simon Peter didn't perfectly pass the test, but in his brokenness, he found forgiveness and mercy so he could encourage his brothers and sisters in Christ when they were being sifted. Jesus prayers were answered.
Through Peter, Christ would build His church. Peter was the first to really acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. That was huge. Peter was the one willing to get out of the boat in the storm to walk on the water. Peter fished all night catching nothing, but when Jesus told him to get the nets out and cast them on the other side of the boat, Peter replied, "Because you say so, I will." Peter was obedient to the voice of the Lord.
I do love perfectly imperfect Peter. His life is a constant exercise in sifting. He sifted for truth. He sifted through believers to find those who would be teachers, preachers and support for the ministry. He sifted through the laws and uncovered spaces for grace and mercy around issues in the church like circumcision. He used Jesus teachings, His example, the scriptures and the Holy Spirit to help him sift through the challenges of a quickly growing church.
Who knew an old colander could hold so much inspiration?
Today, I am grateful for my faithful, old colanders.
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