Monday, February 11, 2019

A Cup of Hot Cocoa

Daily Gratitude Year 7 - Day 42: Today, I am grateful for a cup of Hot Cocoa.

Because of the calories... I rarely indulge in hot chocolate. That makes it a special treat when I do. This weekend, it was a winter Hallmark movie and a cup of hot cocoa that made me smile right through the ups and downs of letting the dog outside. 

Sipping and savoring... and avoiding the tongue burning that can happen so easily with hot chocolate.A bonus prize was a frozen backyard... not muddy... but not so cold that a trip outside was unsafe for a persistent puppy who feel a great need to peruse the perimeter of our yard for intruders. 

Ordinary things like a mug of a warm beverage and frozen mud can splash gratitude into any day. 

There is nothing more ordinary than "our daily bread", but Jesus showed us by example, that we should offer thanks for this ordinary gift. Sometimes a scripture works two days in a row. 

"And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them..."-Luke 22:11

Actually, it is the same event but yesterday was Paul's retelling in a letter to the Corinthians. It is significant that there is consistency in the scriptures. Jesus gave thanks! He was just about to die for the sins of the world and he took the time to thank God for his daily bread. It was likely the last food he would eat before his crucifixion. It was certainly the last real meal with loved ones. 

Somehow, my winter weariness pales in light of his devotion, dedication and determination to follow the Father's plan with full trust and obedience. 

I need to remember to be grateful for every meal, every warm beverage and especially the special treats like a cup of cocoa. 

Today, I am grateful for a cup of Hot Cocoa.

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