Sunday, February 10, 2019

Jesus Modeled Gratitude

Daily Gratitude Year 7 - Day 41: Today, I am grateful Jesus modeled gratitude. 

There are so many reasons to be grateful on any day of the week. Seriously, there is a list before I ever roll out of bed. 

1) A good night's rest.
2) A warm bed
3) A 65 lbs heated foot warmer (Daisy Mae)
4) The gift of a new day of life.
5) Loved ones to share my days. 

My cup runs over with the simple gifts. It is so easy to neglect prayers of gratitude. Jesus never did. Even on his hardest nights.

" On the night when he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. ". -1 Corinthians 11:23-24

On the night he was betrayed, he gave thanks. It doesn't get much harder than a betrayal and a cross. Still, he thanked God for the provision of his most basic needs. 

Some weeks fly by. Others, feel like they crawl.  Life is full of struggles and joys. It is a mixed bag. Jesus experienced the highs and the lows, too. Sometimes, all is the same week. 

His time in human skin allowed Jesus to experience what we feel. He took on our sorrows, our sins and our shortcomings and he gave thanks. Even when it hurt or didn't make complete sense...He gave thanks. 

Today, I am grateful Jesus modeled gratitude. 

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