In the eyes of our God, every star is not only numbered... but known by name. Not one is without value. The hairs on our head our counted... and so our our tears.
We do the coolest thing at church every Sunday. When I saw this quote, it opened my eyes to the special in the ordinary.
"The little things matter. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something." -Max Lucado
What is that cool thing we do each Sunday with little ones from 2-years-old on up to mid-elementary school? Here it is:
We take down the chairs we use for our morning song worship before we pray together and head to Sunday School.
You might ask why that is such a big deal? Because every little one matters. Each one attempts to grab a chair. It is a learned expectation that we work together.
The bigger children help the smaller ones and model servanthood. They are child sized chairs. The work is doable, but sometimes they need a little help and guidance. It is such an ordinary task, but there is a teamwork required that changes the littlest children into successful worker bees. It turns the older kids into leaders and helpers. No one expects a trophy. We need the space for other things. The chairs would be in the way. The know the need and do the work.
We grown ups assist those who attempt to carry too much. We all bite off more than we can chew at times. No one reprimands, we simply lend a hand.
"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." -Ephesians 4:16
The littlest amongst us know they are important to the body. They aren't simply being served, but are part of the good work we do together. It is never to early to teach servanthood. Their faces shine. They know they matter when they move that chair from a row to the wall where they are stacked. Seven-year-olds instinctively protect and help the little ones, because someone did the same for them when they were little.
It is pure joy to see them grow in stature, in service and in understanding. It is a pure blessing to be sprinkled with their wisdom and childlike revelations.
At that time Jesus declared, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; -Matthew 11:25
I am grateful for the lesson caught... not taught... in simply moving chairs, not as a chore... but as a team. Then, we hold hands in a circle and pray together. We call it being a family. Everyone matters.
Today, I am grateful everyone counts.
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