"What if" = Fear
"Even if" = Faith
-Source unknown
What a great way to figure out if we are living in fear or living in faith! Now, for this oldest child, safety girl... I have embraced plenty of "what ifs". Ask Randy-My-Love about my ridiculous vacation packing. The struggle is real... and costly if we fly.
It is good to plan and be prepared, but on the other side is finding the courage to live in the moment. We can learn to live and love out loud, regardless of another human's judgement. We can dance when the spirit moves us. We can sing! We can embrace new adventures.
Living out our faith is the furthest thing from being "boring" or "dull". Living in love requires us to do something. Lassoing an opinion that doesn't need to be expressed (some call it taming the tongue). Running to protect a soul in danger is love (some call it laying down your life for a brother). Celebrating the ordinary happy... and sharing the grief of another (Romans 12:15) are active expressions of love.
When we decided to choose Him "even if"... not "only if it is convenient"... we know our hearts are set on more than the things of this world.
Job said, "Though he slay me, yet will I serve...". Paul said," For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. "-Philippians 1:21 He didn't just say it, he believed it. "Even if" found him in the comfort of truly believing and trusting his Lord.
Setting our hearts on Him and committing to the "even ifs" changes things. In this world full of illness, evil and in justice, we can trust that he will be with us, he will not fail us and no matter what this day brings. We win in the end, when we begin and end with Him.
Reality check. We only have to get through this day. Let's do it together! We were designed for relationships and community. Even if... it is hard. Even if... we are tired. Even if... we don't clearly understand God's hand. Even if.
"But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled" -1 Peter 3:14
Doing the right thing is never wrong.
Today, I am grateful we can grow our "even if" attitudes.
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