"Darling, you either burn for the world or for Christ." -Unknown
What fuels our fire? Does it even matter? Of course, it does.
Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord.
When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful.
Share with God's people who are in need. Welcome others into your homes.
-Romans 12:11-13
Keep the fire burning in your heart. But what is the fuel? The desire to seek God's purpose for our life and our days is a game changer. It can be a challenge to refocus our the desires of our heart away from the constant messages from the world around us that say the "me" is more important than the "we".
How do we keep the flame burning? Intentional service is a good place to start. Find the good thing that needs doing and simply do it.
When we us the word "hope", do it joyfully, like we mean it. To hope without joy sends the message we doubt God's faithfulness.
I've been studying Job these past weeks. I've been reminded that my idea of suffering is often ... in reality... my lack of patience raising it's ugly head. Job knew suffering. My life has not been free of suffering, but many of my struggles are a result of my inability to wait patiently on the Lord. Don't worry. He will continue to let us re-take the patience test. (wink)
Faithful prayer is a lovely fuel. It fills our days with warmth, conversation with our Lord and things happen. He hears our prayers. He is delighted when we take some time to quiet our Spirits and listen, too. Communication must be two way to be effective.
Share with people in need. Sharing reminds us to not hold on too tightly to things that don't really matter. Sharing is our way of answering someone else's prayers in their time of need. Sharing... it's nice. It makes us feel warm, no matter the temperatures outside.
We are told to "welcome others into your home". There is a bond that forms between people who share a meal or even a cup of coffee at the table. Jesus knew this. He went to people's homes often. In our homes, real fellowship happens and grows.
Hospitality is a real gift for some people. I enjoy having people in our home. I am not as quick to invite as I would like to be. I fret too much about doing it well, that at times, it is completely neglected. We hope the one who stops by always feels welcome, but need to be more intentional.
Service, sharing, praying, hospitality and patience... these things are the fuel that we burn, either for the world or for Christ. They are different forms of love.
Today, I am grateful for fuel.
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