Daily Gratitude Year 7-Day 214: Today, I am grateful for Benadryl.
Somebody I love had an allergic reaction today. It reminded me to be grateful for Benadryl. It is a drug that makes an easily measured difference in our world. My loved one is fine, but I am reminded there once was a day when treatments for those suffering allergic reactions was unknown or unavailable.
The simple things are really the big things. Access to diagnosis and medical help is something easily taken for granted. Many live without it. Some consider it a luxury beyond the budget after deductibles and copays. When Benadryl is an appropriate treatment, it can change a person's day.
The right treatment at the right time. I think of Jesus who provided that very thing. He saw unseen needs. He treated everyone with love and respect. He didn't see them as their brokenness, mistakes or illnesses. He saw them as souls who needed help.
And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” -Luke 8:47-49
Can you imagine it? She... a woman and unclean... was speaking out in faith and claiming his healing. She prayed big. Jesus moved boldly.
I never get tired of the lessons in her story, because they are rich and true. It is amazing knowing our God still moves. We only need to pause, listen, wait and watch. It's a great lesson! I love that she was willing to reach out to Jesus... she did her part.
They say "Common sense isn't that common." Still, at the first sign of an allergic reaction... Benadryl can help save the day.
Today, I am grateful for Benadryl.
Very Informative content on Diphenhydramine Thank you for the article!