"There's nothing to do in Peoria." These are words that irritate me. It is hard for me to not blurt out, "Have you looked?" Peoria is an old city. There is much to see that reflects its history and the people... past and present.
Looking for a place to start discovering Peoria ? The Peoria Riverfront Museum is the place to be on Saturday mornings at 10AM and 12PM. Show up in the museum's lobby... no reservations necessary... for the Riverfront Sculpture walking tour. It runs April thru October.

We are so fortunate to have a new collection of sculptures every spring, but I must confess I will miss some of my favorites when the art moves on to a new home or a new town. I was reminded, again, of the value of art. These sculptures each had a story and their own "wow factor".
The one that reminds you of Grut from "Guardians of the Universe" was done by a Bradley University student. It was cast in the foundry at Bradley. It is a large piece and the artist did an amazing job. I love that the Peoria Arts Partners hold a spot in the tour for a student each year.

Art grabs the eye first... and then the heart. That is why through wars and hard times, art is so often protected. Art is intentional beauty. What one heart feels and creates... others are able to revisit and enjoy. Art matters.
God is a fan of artists and their art. We were all created in His image... we were born to be creative.
He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done by an engraver or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, or by a weaver—by any sort of workman or skilled designer. -Exodus 35:35
There are so many workmen and skilled designers. So many receive very little recognition. That is another good reason to take the tour, get exposed to sculpture and delight in the experience.
Today, I am grateful for a walking tour of sculpture in Peoria.
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