Daily Gratitude Year 7-Day 240: Today, I am grateful for deodorant.

I really don't know if I have ever been grateful for deodorant on a daily post. I did a quick search of past entries and nothing popped up. It should be on my once a year list! I work at a Jr. High... need I say more?
Deodorant is sometimes optional, but it does make a difference. I found this Bill Murray Quote: "Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it." Funny and true.
There are so many choices in deodorants, it is hard to decided. It is hard to find one without aluminum that still provide ample protection. It is always a challenge.
When I think about the stink, I am reminded of Jesus arriving at Bethany where he is too late to save Lazarus. His friend is in the grave... three days... and his sisters are hurt, disappointed and confused. They did not expect it to turn out the way it did. Real life was stinks sometimes. Real life can have plot twists when we trust the Author of Life who gives us victory over death.
When Jesus decides the story will have a different ending, it does.
There is hope and promise... and so much more.
"Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” -John 11:40"
The people witnessed His power over life and death. And then Jesus says, "Told you." I love it!
Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb and people feared he would smell like death. He did not! He was fully alive. When death is conquered... even the stench... we bear witness to the mighty power of our living Lord.
Our God has power over life and death... and bad smells... but while we wait for his return, I am grateful for deodorant.
Today, I am grateful for deodorant.
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