Monday, October 19, 2020


Year 8-Day 293: Today, I am grateful for apples.

One of the fall flavors and colors to be savored are found in the wide variety of apples. The orchards are full of them and we all have our favorites. We don't like mushy in our house. Granny Smith are always well received. They are firm and tart... and make excellent pies, caramel apples and crisps. Honeycrisp are the perfect firm, tart and sweet apple that make them highly desirable. They are worth the price.

Apples are required for apple juice and cider. My favorite apple cider slushies would not exist without apples. Apple juice is a main ingredient in wassail, too. Frankly, the holidays with out apples would not be the same.

What about the phrase "the apple of His eye"? It comes from scripture.

“He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye." -Deuteronomy 32:10

This passage talks about Israel. The nation is the apple of His eye. We, believers in Jesus, are grafted in, just like they graft apple tries to create new varieties. "Joint heirs with Jesus", chosen, adopted and treasured. We, too, become the apple of His eye. Brothers and sisters because we are grafted into the family tree. We each bring our unique flavors to the family. We are grafted in.

Not too shabby, right? So much to be grateful for when we look at an apple. 

Today, I am grateful for apples.

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