Year 8-Day 281: Today, I am grateful for October sunshine.
Oh, yes! I am on a fall kick this week. It is my favorite season (closely followed by spring) and I don't want to miss any of its miracles. Today is one of those miracles. Today is a perfect fall day.
My perfect temperature is 75 degrees (23.8 degrees Celsius). Today has had some 75 degree moments and will again before the day is done. The fall decorations are up, but some summer plants are still blooming with gusto.
October sunshine is softer than summer sun. It feels so nice, when I close my eyes and lift my face to the light.
There are moments when I finish time in The Word...in praise... or in prayer that there are almost no words to describe the peace and the contentment. Then again, maybe I have come up with an articulate description. There are times when the light of His love feels like October sunshine.
But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world.”-John 9:5
Like a love letter, His Word holds promises, warmth and inspiration. Yes... the light of His love is like October sunshine.
Today, I am grateful for October sunshine.
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