Monday, July 5, 2021

50+ Years of Friendship

Gratitude Year 9-Day 186: Today, I am grateful for more than 50 years of friendship.

Mama Ina Mae had more special visitors. Her beautiful best friend for more than 50 years and her handsome husband came to visit. What a special thing it is to count more than 50 years of friendship. 

We called them Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Russell. I still do. It is a respect thing for me. Mama has always said it was their stamp of approval that led to a marriage proposal. I learned today that they were with Mama and Dad when they introduced Aunt Judy to the neighbor boy, Larry Hanson. I love their visits. Their lives are woven together  for more than fifty years. 

Aunt Marilyn taught a city girl how to be a farm wife. It is true. She cheered Mama on with each new skill and success. Mama was always grateful for their friendship that lasted through thick and thin. Good crops and bad crops. Five kids and many other adventures. They participated with Mama and Dad in the Gideon's, too. Yes... so many shared activities.  

They were just a few miles away and never went long without seeing each other. Aunt Marilyn faithfully visited Mama in the nursing home for five years every Thursday, always showing up with a treat. Today, it was dark chocolate. Mama always knew it was Thursday by her visits (and the arrival of the local weekly newspaper). 

I am so grateful they are willing to make the trip to see her. The time goes so fast. Friends we have shared many seasons with are pretty special. 

"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need." -Proverbs 17:17

Mama will talk about their visit for weeks. She tells every care team member about her best friend, Marilyn who taught her to be a farm wife and her sister, Judy. It is really hard to capture good pictures with Huntington's Disease. This one is precious. Two ladies (and a seasoned farmer) I love and who have loved us well. Their joy multiplies with anyone who sees them together. 

Yes.. friends for a lifetime are really special friends. I am so grateful Mama taught me to value good friends. 

Today, I am grateful for more than 50 years of friendship. 

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