Sunday, July 25, 2021

Shared Spaces

Daily Gratitude Year 9- Day 206: Today, I am grateful for shared spaces.

I think shared spaces are key to building family unity and cohesiveness. April and I shared a room until our home addition in 1976. I will never forget the shadows and the sound of the tree branches brushing the bedroom window. It was always worse when the leaves had fallen and the branches were bare. Alone, I would have been terrified, but she was there. It was easier to be brave when I was not alone. As excited as we both were for our own bedrooms, when night fell, I missed my sister.

I remember talking until one of us fell asleep. It was usually her. I remember wanting to use masking tape at times to establish boundaries and personal space. It never happened. The truth is, working through disagreements in our shared bedroom laid a solid foundation for roommates in college and then marriage. I learned about compromise and giving in when the relationship was more important than my individual desires. Shared spaces teach us how to live in harmony.

One of my favorite childhood places to visit was my friend Sally's house. She was one of 13 kids. They shared a bathroom. The oldest ones were married, but there was still a house full when we would sleep over. They were masters at shared spaces. A few more girls in the house did not make that big of a difference. There was always room for one more. I remember thinking every night was a bit of a slumber party at her house. We are still good friends. She has a generous heart I believe sprouted and took root in those shared spaces.

"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" -Psalm 133:1

Our boys had their own rooms, but they spent many nights in the same room. I think brotherly bonding happens when we spend time in close quarters. After 2020's lockdown, we've all spent a great deal of time with our families. It it true, is is good when we dwell together in unity.

This is a great article on kids sharing bedrooms:

Today, I am grateful for shared spaces.

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